Saturday, December 6, 2008

Loren makes an error

It has come to my attention that I used some pronouns without antecedents in the last blog post, and I just wanted to apologize in advance.

I know that most people have no clue what an antecedent is, and often the word pronoun brings looks of discomfort and confusion to my cohorts' faces, but I felt dirty just leaving the errors there without calling attention to them. It's a curse.

Here's the delinquent sentence:

Moving out of the way of the water, I turn the knob to its hottest setting and cry out in pain as it burns the bottoms of my feet while it flows into the drain.

The first pronoun "it" refers to the scalding water. The second "it" also refers to the scalding water.

There. This has been my most fulfilling blog post yet.

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